Washington Township


Third Party Service Providers:

Here is a list of various third party service providers who we are aware of working in/around the Edinboro Area.  This is not an endorsement of anybody, just trying to provide a handy list in case you’re looking.  Various third party contractors.pdf

Residents of Washington Township and surrounding municipalities:

The Township does not provide trash pick-up. All residents must contract their own waste hauler.

The trash hauler providing service in Washington Township are: 

Waste Management – 800-458-0476

Kicker Disposal LLC 813-529-1287, website: https://kicker-disposal-llc.business.site/

B.W. Stroup Disposal LLC: 814-217-1411; website: https://bwstroupdisposalllc.com/

Racoon Refuse is out of business


Please note: Washington Township is aware of the acquisition of Welka Disposal by Waste Management. This extremely limits the residents choices for trash disposal. We will keep you updated as we receive information from Waste Management.

Washington Township provides for recycling bins for the Erie County Recycling Program. There are several bins for paper, cardboard, glass,plastic, and mixed metals. All recycling containers are marked for their content and your convenience. Please help Washington Township become green by recycling. The bins are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all Erie County residents to use.

Business owners are discouraged from using these recycling bins provided for the general public and are to contract with haulers on their own for recyclable materials.

2009 Right To Know Law: 

Township Right-To-Know-Request-Form

For more information please visit the PA State site.

Washington Township’s Right to Know Officer is Township Manager Norman Willow.

Notice: A pre-payment may be required for copy costs exceeding $50.


Act 3 of 2008 excerpts:

Section 506. Requests.

  1. Disruptive requests.
    1. An agency may deny a requester access to a record if the requester has made repeated requests for that same record and the repeated requests have placed an unreasonable burden on the agency.
    2. A denial under this subsection shall not restrict the ability to request a different record.
  2. Disaster or potential damage.
    1. An agency may deny a requester access:
      1. when timely access is not possible due to fire, flood or other disaster; or
      2. to historical, ancient or rare documents, records, archives and manuscripts when access may, in the professional judgment of the curator or custodian of records, cause physical damage or irreparable harm to the record.
    2. To the extent possible, the contents of a record under this subsection shall be made accessible to a requester even when the record is physically unavailable.
  3. Agency discretion. An agency may exercise its discretion to make any otherwise exempt record accessible for inspection and copying under this chapter, if all of the following apply: Pennsylvania’s New Right-To-Know Law
    1. Disclosure of the record is not prohibited under any of the following:
      1. Federal or State law or regulation.
      2. Judicial order or decree.
    2. The record is not protected by a privilege.
    3. The agency head determines that the public interest favoring access outweighs any individual, agency or public interest that may favor restriction of access.
  4. Agency possession.
    1. A public record that is not in the possession of an agency but is in the possession of a party with whom the agency has contracted to perform a governmental function on behalf of the agency, and which directly relates to the governmental function and is not exempt under this act, shall be considered a public record of the agency for purposes of this act.
    2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to require access to any other record of the party in possession of the public record.
    3. A request for a public record in possession of a party other than the agency shall be submitted to the open records officer of the agency. Upon a determination that the record is subject to access under this act, the open records officer shall assess the duplication fee established under section 1307(b) and upon collection shall remit the fee to the party in possession of the record if the party duplicated therecord.

To request information from Washington Township, please submit this downloadable form:  Open Records Regs and Form, 4KB

Becky Travis814-734-3017
Noelle Kim814-734-0791
Janet Kelly814-734-7691
John Burawa814-651-3586
Karyn Puller814-464-7260
Ed Betza, Solicitor814-456-4000
Lydia Laythe Council Representative814-734-7649