Washington Township

Veterans Memorial Park

Location: Route 99 to Washington Drive, north of Township Administration Building.

Setting: Reflective memorial to the community’s veterans.

A gazebo located upon a knoll with trees and shrubs with paved walkways.

Left and right side Flag Poles added as Eagle Scout Project

Check out this beautiful scene at the Veteran’s Memorial Park. The addition of left and right side flag poles will be a lasting tribute to our heroes in uniform.  The pole and lighting upgrades were completed by Eagle Scout Blake Sweigart. Blake’s project took considerable time and effort to complete. His hard work combined with fund raising skills and a little help from the Township brought forth this patriotic addition to the Park. We are proud to have it displayed for all to enjoy. Please stop by and witness this firsthand and consider making a donation to continue to improve this unique tribute as it is the only Veteran’s Memorial Park in Erie County.